At your own pace, discover points of interest and inspiration for your visit.
Click on an icon and take a virtual stroll along the banks of the San Pedro Creek Culture Park.

#1 San Pedro Creek and the Saga of a City
Thousands of years before Europeans arrived, this humble creek was home to the natives of this promising land.

#2 A Chronicle of Floods and Their Legacy of Calamities
The flood of 1819 was enormously powerful. Suddenly to those who lived and worked near the creek, it was no longer just a source of life and sustenance, but a force to be reckoned with.

#3 San Pedro Creek: A Crossroads of Cultures
Imagine this very creek abuzz with waterfront businesses, markets, homes, and communities. Here, people from all over the world lived together.

#4 Birth of a Community
In 1691, a group of Spanish explorers stumbled upon the rich vegetation and wildlife of the creek and made camp for the night. They gave the river the name San Antonio, after the beloved saint.

#5 Plaza de Fundación
As the settlers laid down after an arduous day of traveling, exploring, and fighting for their survival, they likely stared up at the night sky.

Creek Lines
Creek Lines, sited in San Pedro Creek Culture Park’s Plaza de Fundación, celebrates the path of the Creek.

#6 The Taming of San Pedro Creek
Once untouched, the San Pedro Creek was an abundant and lush landscape, ripe with its natural flora and fauna.

#7 The Living Worlds of San Pedro Creek
After explorers and settlers began to discover the creek and take note of their observations, a theme arose: the lush abundance of the creek.

#8 From Many Roads We Are One
The mural takes you through time as your eyes move towards the center, culminating in the modern-day creek, where the water springs and children swim in harmony.

#9 Bridges of Understanding
With three different pieces of art, the artist reflects the historical nature of the street names to which the art belongs.

#10 Historical Features Along San Pedro Creek
A puzzling structure is discovered during excavation of the creek channel.

#11 Early Industry Along San Pedro Creek
In the 1800s, the locals began to see the potential of the historic waters as a hub for business. Entrepreneurial spirits grasped their opportunity to have a piece of the pie.

#12 Red Arch Green Arch
Thousands of years ago, this creek was home to bison, deer, and antelope, as well as animals that are now extinct.

#13 Historical Text and Poetry
Etched into limestone at various spots across the park, Santos’s lyrical prose tells the story of San Pedro Creek and its beauty.

#14 A Living Heritage: City Streets and the Legacy of Early Settlers
The city may look vastly different than the days of the native people or during the Battle of the Alamo, but herencia, or heritage, is alive here.

#15 Aqua
The curvilinear line quality of this mural by San Antonio artist Alex Rubio reflects the ever-flowing waters of San Pedro Creek.

#16 The Barrio del Norte
The town was separated into barrios that would shape and imprint the city’s future.

#17 Memories of Alameda Theater
An escape from the stress and hardships of the everyday, the Alameda Theater provided entertainment in a space specifically designed for the Latino community with Spanish films and performing arts.

#18 The Healing Arts West of the Creek
When a cholera epidemic killed hundreds of residents in 1849, the Bexar County Medical Society was founded.