Fit & Flow
This Fit & Flow event will feature Gardopia Gardens and Yanawana Herbolarios in partnership with the San Antonio River Foundation. This FREE event will be held in-person at Confluence Park (310 W. Mitchell St) on June 12, from 10:00 – 11:30 am. Join us to learn about the many health benefits of gardening, take an ethnobotanical tour throughout Confluence Park, get a sneak peek at the new North American Friendship Garden, and participate in a collaborative gardening activity that will teach you how to start a garden in your own backyard. All gardening materials needed for this event will be provided. Squeezers Juice Bar will also be selling juices at the park during the event. Brought to you by the San Antonio River Authority.
Advanced registration is required. Please contact Taylor Galvan at [email protected] to secure your spot!